We are very pleased to invite you to our next online UWE Conference "The Effects of the Pandemic on Gender Equality " hosted by the Finnish Federation of Graduate Women (SANL) coming
soon on September, 9 2021:
11.00 - 15.00 CEST (Britain and Ireland -1 hr, Baltic countries, Finland and Romania +1 hr)
What are we aiming for, what lessons and what questions do we have after more than one of living through a pandemic?
• To bring people information and hope
• To bring people together to discuss how the pandemic has affected their lives and, also, what kind solutions have been produced across the Europe (best practices)
• How has gender equality been derailed by covid-19? How should women organizations proceed with their work?
Our Conference agenda is meanly focused this year on the following topics, we have four workshops (max 25 per workshop). You are invited to choose only 2 from the list, so we can accommodate all the participants.
1) Education (Chair: Anne Turunen)
What has the covid situation done for the field of education? Let’s find out and discuss how the pandemic has affected young people who just have started their studies or are trying to launch
their career? What are the different means to cope with the situation when studies are mostly done on distance and how the situation will be reflected to the future working life?
2) Work (Chair: Kirsi Jokikokko)
During the global COVID-19 pandemic working life has changed everywhere. Employers, employees and entrepreneurs have had to learn a new reality and ways of working have changed significantly. In
this workshop we discuss what are the impacts of COVID-19 on working life. Are the changes permanent, what may change back. How shall we see the future in working life?
3) Health and Human Relations (Chair: Jutta Hartikainen)
How has the pandemic affected people’s mental health and relationships? Positive and negative outcomes. Is there a difference on outcomes between generations and genders. What about globally?
Whom has suffered the most and whom have had its best effects? What are the best practices to share and learn from and what are those things that needs to be done as soon as possible?
4) New Possibilities (Chair: Pauliina Inervo)
What kind of ecological and digital improvements and services has the pandemic brought people in different age groups?
10.45 - 11.00 Testing the connection
11.00 - 11.10 Welcome by Kirsi Jokikokko, President of the Finnish Federation of Graduate Women
11.10 - 11.30 Presentation on Domestic Violence again Women by Anne Negre, President of University Women of Europe and Basak
Ovacik, VP Fundraising, Turkish Association of University Women
11.30 - 12.00 The Pandemic and Gender Equality at the EU Level, Speaker to be confirmed
12.00 - 12.10 Get up and strech a little
12.10 - 12.40 The Pandemic and Gender Equality in Finland by Senior Researcher Anna Elomäki, Institute for Health and Welfare and University of
12.40 - 14.00 Workshops: How the pandemic has affected women's lives in your country?
14.00 - 15.00 Results and discussion
ONLINE Registration is open HERE. The number of participants is limited to 100 people, first come first served, so better you book your place ASAP! After filling the registration form you will receive a confirmation message with the zoom link. PLEASE SAVE THIS INFORMATION TO YOUR CALENDAR!
We look forward to seeing as many of you, now more than ever we need lifelong learning and solidarity amongst women to cope with unexpected happenings!
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